Ultimate X'Mas Wishlist ✳♥🎁🎄
Posted on December 28 2016

Happy Black Friday! For one weekend only (Nov 25th-27th), go on our Online Store (Discount Code: SNINEBLACKFRIDAY16) or at Central Showroom to shop with 40% off!
Our S.Nine Trend this time, "Ultimate LPD" (Little Party Dress), is quite self-explanatory. From off-shoulder, low-V, kimono sleeves to one-shoulder, we have all the right cuts this holiday season for different body type. Check out some of our selections and see how much you can save today!
Our S.Nine Trend this time, "Ultimate LPD" (Little Party Dress), is quite self-explanatory. From off-shoulder, low-V, kimono sleeves to one-shoulder, we have all the right cuts this holiday season for different body type. Check out some of our selections and see how much you can save today!
Showroom Address: 17/F, C Wisdom Centre, 37 Hollywood Road, Central
Susanna Soo Atelier Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 10am - 7pm
After hour or Weekends by appointment only
info@snineonline.com | +852 2815 0884
Susanna Soo Atelier Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 10am - 7pm
After hour or Weekends by appointment only
info@snineonline.com | +852 2815 0884